Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Let's Go Find Us A Whale

One of the highlights of our Oregon trip was going on this boat to watch humpback whales.  Can I just say that it was TOTALLY worth the money it cost to do this?!  No regrets whatsoever!  The company we used only had two boats and since we had such a large group, the older boys were able to go all by themselves.  Talk about getting to feel all grown up!  It was so much fun to ride on these boats.  They go super fast and we enjoyed a lot of air time because of the waves.  The kids especially loved screaming as we sped out to find the whales. We were able to get up close to the whales and watch them fluke, spout, and eat.  They are a massively huge animal!    
What would you think about having a dog join you to go whale watching?  Pretty fun stuff!
This was the one of the captain's and he made our trip AWESOME!
I also need to add the fact that my Sister-in-Law sister handled our ride extremely well.  She does not particularly enjoy thrill rides; okay, she totally hates them!  But, she was brave and never let it show that she was scared.  Look at her smile...it says it all.  Love you Becky!
The big boys are getting ready to depart. Can you believe we let them do this alone?  I wonder what the captain thought about it.  He was a good sport and the boys had a total blast!
All that I can say is, life is so good.