Wednesday, May 22, 2013

We are Off to a Great Start

Yesterday was Zach and Blake's last day of school.  This morning we still had the routine of getting the younger three off to school.  After they were dropped off, Blake and I went to play racquetball.  Zach decided to stay home but the cool thing that he chose to do while we were gone, was wash the dishes.  Not such a fun job around our house as we do not have an automatic dishwasher but get to do them the old fashioned hand.

Then as I am getting cleaned up for the day I hear a lawnmower running.  It sounds awfully close to our home.  I peak out the window and discover Zach is mowing the lawn!  Seriously, what has gotten into him?  Whatever it is, I love it and I am crossing my fingers that it is in our water so that the rest of the kids start doing random chores around the house all summer long.  We are off to a great start to our summer break!  If you want, you can come and have your children drink our water and see if it works at your house too!!