Monday, May 20, 2013

New York, New York

Unexpected things happen in our lives.  Some good and some not so good.  A woman that I have come to respect and admire very much, Mil Jenkinson, has a motto that she lives by and I love it.  Simply put, "Something good comes from everything."  Don't you love it?!  You know, she is absolutely right.  I look at the events of my life and see the truth in this simple statement. 

Recently, Chris and I had the privilege of travelling to New York City as I was chosen to represent North Dakota as the Young Mother of the Year.  The Deseret Church News published a short article about this event and had my name listed with the other members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who were each representing their state as a Mother of the Year or Young Mother of the Year.  The link to it can be found here.  Talk about totally awesome!  The organization, American Mothers, Inc., is a nationally based group that seeks to honor mothers.  This organization is behind our yearly Mother's Day celebration.  It was an honor to attend and meet so many fabulous mothers!  I had the opportunity to give a speech to a room filled with women who support and love motherhood.  My topic was centered around the "thorny" world in which we live and the great responsibility that we have as mothers and fathers to build a place of safety and security for our children.  Honestly, presenting a message with a time limit of three minutes was ultra challenging, and just so you know, Chris timed each speech given and there were only two that were able to stay within that time limit.  I think I spoke for 4 1/2 minutes...OOPS!  But, I felt the power of the Spirit as I delivered my message.  I left feeling that I had done a good job.

If you are interested, here is the typed message I planned to deliver, but I did not read it while there.  When I stood to speak, I just had to let it come from my heart, so the typed message was more of a guide but it will give you a good idea of what I said.  Unfortunately it does not capture my delivered message completely.  Here it is:

I have lived the majority of my life in Arizona.  One of my favorite trees is the mesquite.  I love it because amid the brown desert landscape, this tree provides beautiful green foliage.  But, this tree also has a danger that I do not love, and that danger lines its branches.  As you can see, it is lined with very long, sharp thorns.
Years ago my husband discovered a branch that had been broken off of a mesquite tree.   The branch happened to have a nest amongst the thorns.  My good husband saw in this branch something very special and brought it home to share with me.  Unfortunately my reaction to the branch being brought into our tiny apartment was not the one my husband had anticipated.  For some reason I could not see what he had seen, but with his help I discovered a treasure.  Let me share with you what I saw in that nest that has inspired and guided me, and more than anything given me hope in the power of being an intentional, careful mother. 

Spotting Image 1
The nest was completely encircled with twigs, grasses, and mud.  The walls were thick and the entrance was but a small opening.  The entire interior was lined with tiny down feathers, which probably came from the builders of this nest.  Here in such a tiny, simple form was a representation of the type of home created for safety.  One that was strong, secure, protected, and comfortable.  

Homes with Storm SheltersJust as that nest had been placed among dangerous thorns, we live in difficult times!  But let us not waste precious energy being overwhelmed by “the thorns” that surround us, rather let us learn from the builders of that nest.  The truth is, safe places can be created, even among harsh environments!  The builders of that nest were intentional, determined, and strong in creating a place of safety to raise their children.   We must do the same.  Our homes can and must be refuges from the storms that surround us!  Each one of us must never forget that our work as a mother is our life’s most important work.  Boyd K. Packer said, “There is something about the ordinary, everyday influence of a mother that is more powerful than the spectacular events that capture the interest of the world.”   Those profound words are about you and me.  I am ordinary but I recognize that my life as a mother matters.  It matters because I have five precious children who are depending on me to protect them and teach them before they leave my nest.  And just as mine are counting on me, yours are counting on you!  It is my hope and prayer that we can be found building homes that are strong and secure from the thorns of our world!  We can do it, I know we can.   Picture Link

Here are a few pictures of Chris and I having a total blast in the big City!
Me and the love of my life!

Lots of walking makes him very, very tired!
How do you really portray a scared face?

Hmm...what shall I have this time?

Blue Man Group

Aboard the naval carrier ship, The Intrepid.  Watch out!!