A few weeks back Macie and I spent a few hours at the hospital for a test that Macie needed done. She has been having recurring UTI's and so her doctor wanted to see if she had any kidney problems, or if there was something wrong her urinary tubing leading from the kidneys to the bladder. He also said the scary word, "tumor", to see if she had any in her bladder. I was a little nervous about the whole thing as we have never had any serious medical problems with our children but now that it is over and everything is okay, I can say that I marvel at medical technology and the tests that can be done.

Here is Macie on the table and machine she had to be on for about three hours. They filled her bladder full of liquid and then took pictures as the bladder was emptied. Macie was partially sedated during this procedure and when her bladder became very full she began to cry. It was so hard for her to go to the bathroom while laying down. It made me as her mother get all teary. I am such a baby when it comes to things like this. I did not like seeing her in pain but once she was able to go to the bathroom all was well again.

Here is the image that we were able to watch as they filled the bladder with the liquid. It was pretty amazing because it also allowed us to see the tubes that led from the kidneys to the bladder.

This is while we were waiting between pictures. They had to place a dye in Macie to take pictures of the kidneys.

Here we are heading back to have her I.V. taken out and to go home. Macie was STARVING afterwards as she had not been able to eat or drink since the previous night and so she had a special treat of going out to McDonalds for lunch. She was so hungry that she scarfed the whole meal down and was still hungry. I called her my "hungry little caterpillar".