Have you noticed the weather lately? I'm definitely a believer that we are living in the last days! Living here in North Dakota has brought so many neat opportunities to our family. Never in my life did I ever think that I would be sporting a yellow "Helping Hands" t-shirt but in May we had the privilege of helping a woman in our area sandbag her home. What a humbling and thrilling experience it was for our family. It felt so good to be a part of an effort to help neighbors in our community.
Erin and I began by tying the majority of the bags at this home. Our fingers were sore but it was so worth it!
It was exhausting work! (Blake is in the background teasing a leader.)
I wish that I would have taken pictures while we filled the sandbags. There were several times that I took the kids to a sandbagging site and we would bag and help load trailers for those in need. It wasn't the funnest thing we did but it was so good to give service to complete strangers. I am so grateful that we were able to help.