I have wanted to do something as a family to help us focus on what we have that we are thankful for and to help us put greater effort into remembering. So, for the Family Home Evening lesson last night we went over the story of the Pilgrims and their desire to give thanks after such a hard start here in America. We looked in the 'For Strength of Youth' pamplet and read what our latter-day leaders have said in relation to our being grateful today. I found it quite interesting that gratitude is the second principle taught in this pamplet and that, if lived, will give us strength! In order to help us this week focus on gratitude, I have built "Our Gra'tree'tude" and I have paper leaves that we will use to "leave" our thanks. Each morning before scripture study, we will take a minute to read the leaves and then they will be hung on the tree. I am looking forward to seeing how many leaves appear on our tree! I know that this is something my family needs to be doing, especially as Christmas draws near and we tend to think, "What do I want to get for Christmas this year?" Let me know the twists you add if you decide to do this. Enjoy remembering!!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
"Leaving" Thanks
I thought that I would share what we are doing as a family as Thanksgiving is next week! First of all, I'm not too crafty and so it is kind of embarressing to post what I have done but I know that you might be able to take this idea and make it your, in your own creative way! You have just over a week to enjoy celebrating gratitude!
I have wanted to do something as a family to help us focus on what we have that we are thankful for and to help us put greater effort into remembering. So, for the Family Home Evening lesson last night we went over the story of the Pilgrims and their desire to give thanks after such a hard start here in America. We looked in the 'For Strength of Youth' pamplet and read what our latter-day leaders have said in relation to our being grateful today. I found it quite interesting that gratitude is the second principle taught in this pamplet and that, if lived, will give us strength! In order to help us this week focus on gratitude, I have built "Our Gra'tree'tude" and I have paper leaves that we will use to "leave" our thanks. Each morning before scripture study, we will take a minute to read the leaves and then they will be hung on the tree. I am looking forward to seeing how many leaves appear on our tree! I know that this is something my family needs to be doing, especially as Christmas draws near and we tend to think, "What do I want to get for Christmas this year?" Let me know the twists you add if you decide to do this. Enjoy remembering!!!
I have wanted to do something as a family to help us focus on what we have that we are thankful for and to help us put greater effort into remembering. So, for the Family Home Evening lesson last night we went over the story of the Pilgrims and their desire to give thanks after such a hard start here in America. We looked in the 'For Strength of Youth' pamplet and read what our latter-day leaders have said in relation to our being grateful today. I found it quite interesting that gratitude is the second principle taught in this pamplet and that, if lived, will give us strength! In order to help us this week focus on gratitude, I have built "Our Gra'tree'tude" and I have paper leaves that we will use to "leave" our thanks. Each morning before scripture study, we will take a minute to read the leaves and then they will be hung on the tree. I am looking forward to seeing how many leaves appear on our tree! I know that this is something my family needs to be doing, especially as Christmas draws near and we tend to think, "What do I want to get for Christmas this year?" Let me know the twists you add if you decide to do this. Enjoy remembering!!!