It is so hard for me to believe that Blake has now turned 12! My children are growing up way too fast!!! Blake's birthday was on Thanksgiving this year and what a good natured boy he is....loving that fact that he was able to share his birthday with a holiday! I did my best to help make his day extra special but still felt a little bit underprepared as I had to rush into my closet to wrap his presents....after we had eaten the Thanksgiving dinner! His big gift this year was being able to go with Chris hunting elk. They left after the pie was served yesterday and I haven't heard if they have had any luck or not! If they get one, I'll post pictures!!!
Blake was my smallest baby. I had had a C-section with Zach and then had a normal delivery with Blake. I remember that as soon as Blake arrived, I looked at his tiny head and thought that it really wasn't unimaginable to have a head as small as that delivered in a normal way!! Weird thought I know but he really was very tiny! Blake came with spunk and a quick temper! When he was young I feared his teenage years because of the temper he had but as he has grown older a wonderful change has occurred!!! He has developed into one of the most sweet natured people I know. It is a rare occasion for him to lose his temper now. He is very studious and takes school very seriously. He goes the extra mile in most everything he does and takes pride in a job well done! The only unfortunate thing in Blake's life is the fact that he does not like salad dressing at all, even homemade ranch dressing! I know that for you Bingham relatives this will be hard to understand but remember, we all have our own little quirks!! He eats salad, just without the dressing. He loves cheese and spaghetti and cold cereal. In fact, he could live on cold cereal if I let him! (He has inherited this obsession from me!) Blake is a true friend and his closest friends are found within the walls of our home!
I will share with a couple of cute stories about Blake with you. When Blake was 2 he was very inquisitive! He would ask question after question and both Chris and I would get so tired from trying to come up with answers to the questions he would ask. About this time, Chris and I were studying the Old Testament and in Psalms the word 'Selah' is used quite frequently. One day we were eating lunch and the questions from Blake were at the point that we had had enough and so upon the next question posed by Blake, Chris looked at him and said, "Blake, Selah!" Blake sat there for a few seconds registering what Chris had just said and then uttered a very funny, "Lah!" We laughed and laughed over that!
When Blake was probably about 4 years old we were at the San Diego Zoo, which is HUGE and a little to big for such small children, but we were there and at one of the displays Blake informed us that he had to go to the bathroom. We told him that he would need to hold on until we could find a bathroom. A short time later, he reminded us again that he really needed to go. At this same time we were dealing with some of our other children who were creating a bit of stress and so out of frustration, Chris used some sarcasm and told Blake to just go over there (pointing to a stream). Well, children don't understand sarcasm too well and so the next thing we see is a huge arch coming from our dear Blake. Not knowing what to do, we tell him to stop and we quickly go and find a bathroom, with Blake walking with his hand down his pants to stop himself from going anymore. We should of just let him finish at the little stream! We continue to laugh at the situation we had placed our young Blake in and he laughs along with us!
During this same time of his life I was telling the boys bedtime stories one night. When I had finished, I kissed them all and tucked them in and then headed toward the door to leave. As I was leaving Blake sat up and asked me, "Mom, when is my baby sister coming?" I turned around very quickly and asked him what he has just said. He repeated the question again and the spirit shot through my body as he spoke. A few short weeks previously I had suffered a miscarriage and was feeling very leary about getting pregnant again but as he spoke this question, the spirit bore witness to me that we were indeed supposed to have another baby. When I did become pregnant, Blake would constantly tell me that it was his baby sister and that she was coming! He was right, our next baby born was Erin!!
Blake, I love you!!!!