Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Macie's Birthday

Macie's birthday was today!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Macie who is now 4! We had a lot of fun together. I am posting a couple of pictures of her. Isn't she the cutest little thing?!
I have to say that I didn't do what I normally do for the birthday cake. I try to be the "supermom" and make extra cool cakes but today I was just so grateful that Chris had ordered a cake from a friend of ours and that it was delivered today! I printed some pictures of some "modest"(I'll explain later) princesses and one of our birthday princess and put them on the top of the cake! Macie could not have been happier! I felt so relieved to have such a happy, content Macie! I don't have to go to bed feeling guilty over not baking the cake myself!!!!
As far as the "modest" princesses go: Macie can't stand any of the princesses that bear their cleavage or show their midriffs! GO MACIE!!!! Modesty rocks!