Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Erin's Gift

My oldest daughter is Erin and she is 6 years old. She was born singing and already I have seen her potential. Her music teacher at school also noticed this gift and she was assigned to sing a small solo for the schools spring concert. She practiced and practiced and drove her brothers absolutly crazy! I had to be quick to correct them as I didn't want them to squish her desire to sing in front of others!

On the day of her performance she woke up not feeling very well. I didn't find out until later that while I was at seminary she had asked Chris for a blessing to help her so that she could perform in the evening. I thought of what faith she has in the power of the priesthood and what choice spirits are here in these last days! When I picked her up from school, I could tell that she was still not feeling well. I brought her home and had her take a nap. When she woke up from the nap she was crying, thinking she had slept through the night and missed her concert. I calmed her fears and then loaded her up with Ibuprofen as she was burning with a fever. Oh the prayer I offered as I didn't know what to do! I felt the peace come and asked Erin what she would like to do. She said that she wanted to try to do her part!

I was so nervous for her! She is such a sweet and timid girl and I worried over whether the sight of the crowd would bring her to tears but she was so brave and did an outstanding job! It's one of those moments that bring tears to your eyes as you see your child doing something very hard and succeeding!

Everytime I experience this feeling with any of my children, it always causes me to reflect on how our Heavenly Father must feel as He watches us here on earth. He is our cheerleader and oh how He cheers as we work so hard and then accomplish...even if it is not perfect and yes, EVEN WHEN we fail miserably! The joy comes from the journey, from watching us learn and grow! Don't you just love growing older and experiencing these feelings as a parent that help us feel such a kinship to our Heavenly Father! It's at these moments I say, "This is what it's all about!"