Okay! I guess I am going to give this a try! I have enjoyed being able to look into the lives of the people I have loved and cared about since I was a young child and thought that I could try to do this to. I stink at keeping a journal so I may stink at doing this but I will do my best to keep this up to date!
Life is just plain busy right now. It seems that I have been running non-stop since August and I am getting pretty tired! I am looking forward to the end of school, which happens to be in about 4 and a half weeks! Our summer break is too short here--only two months --so I need to start getting our plans made so that our time together will not be wasted. As the school year comes to an end the time seems to really disappear as there are so many school functions to attend. My daughter Erin is singing her first solo at her school concert and I can hardly stand to wait to hear her! She was born singing! I am excited to see her teacher recoginize the gift that she has been given. Isn't it so fun to see your children discover the talents they have been sent with and then to watch them develop and build them? It brings me great satisfaction being a mom!
Until next time...I must go chasing!!!