Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Facing the Weather

Last week I had to call my dad because of the weather here. I got the girls all bundled up for school and then was shocked when I walked outside to feel what felt like a warm breeze in the air. Could it be true...warm air in December? I looked at my temperature reading in my car and sure enough the temperature had gone up to a warm 38 degrees. I was honestly giggly at the thought that 38 degrees now felt "warm" to me! Could this really be happening to me?! I've heard that it is going to get to the point when 15 degrees will feel warm to me. I still have a hard time believing that one but I'm not betting against it only because I'm learning that my views about the weather are already different than from a year ago.

So with that being said I won't lie about the fact that it is getting pretty cold up here. At night I am tired of having cold feet and crawling into very cold sheets! Wah wah! I know, stop the whining, but it is true. We have been on a serious learning curve here but we are starting to get the hang of some things and others we are still needing to learn. Take for example last night...

We leave Erin's concert and it is at least a FREEZING -15 degrees and I look at Chris and say, "I don't think we're in Arizona anymore!" We have not gotten into the habit of having gloves on our hands or stocking caps on our noggins when we go out for these type of things. I know we deserve a big DUH for not being more prepared but like I said earlier, we're still on a learning curve here.

The kiddo's are doing much better with this than Chris and I. Each morning they get all bundled up to head to school. They have gotten used to putting on all the accessories that this type of weather requires. Sometimes when Chris and I are super cold and kind of complaining about it, they will look at us with those sweet faces of theirs and say, "It's not cold!" Well!! It sure feels cold to me! And to think that I have added insulation on my body and still feel cold. It just doesn't seem right!

A funny thing that made me smile in regards to the weather is that today I was in the thrift store finding some pretty amazing stuff and I overheard two women visiting about their friend who lives in the most familiar state of Arizona. Hearing the word "Arizona" made me stop dead in my tracks to really hear what they had to say. According to this woman's friend, it was in the 80's yesterday and they had to turn on the air conditioner! These two women could not fathom this type of weather happening in December. Well ,I sure could fathom it! So with that being said, I guess that right about now I am missing the beautiful "winter" weather of Southern Arizona! Think of me, you warm Arizona friends!