Keep breathing...miracles do occur and you are witnessing one right now!

Life has been so busy! Sometimes the day is drawing to its end and I wonder how I even made it through. Even with these extra busy times, I am so happy. Life is good. I decided to take a moment to write about some of my favorite things as Thanksgiving is unbelievably next week! Seriously, is it really that time of year already?!
1. My testimony of and love for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

I have been pondering the fact that I was blessed to have the gospel in my life, from the very start. How I even received this great blessing I am not sure, but the fact that I have it, makes my heart burn so much it often brings me to tears. The gospel defines so much of who I am. Without it, I am nothing really. I am so grateful to know who Heavenly Father really is and that I have a personal relationship with Him. I love Him. I love and appreciate my Savior, Jesus Christ. I also have a deep love and appreciation for the Holy Ghost. This special trio that we know form the Godhead, are so much a part of my life. I stand in awe that I can have association with such a special group!
2. It won't surprise you that my family is one of my favorite things. It is hard for me to put into words just exactly how I feel about this precious blessing.

I can sum it up in the fact that as a very young child I looked forward to the day when I would be a wife and mother. I wrote about it frequently in my journal as I was a teenager. It was what I couldn't wait to do and be. So here I am, a wife and a mother of more than 16 years and all I can say is, I LOVE IT! I know, it might be just a little bit over the top with too much gush, but it is the truth. I don't deserve what I have been given, but with a grateful heart I will keep and cherish this blessing.
3. This one might surprise you as you may be shocked to find that I actually have these but I am so grateful for good friends. It seems that since the days of college I have struggled to really establish deep, long-lasting friendships (other than those I have within my family circle). I am so shy and awkward but there are a few who have been very patient with me and my quirkiness and have been given the term as "my friend."

They give me something that is very much needed in my life. They boost me up and help me want to be better. I've learned that there is much truth in the saying that women need women! (That is a direct quote from Marjorie Hinckley.)
4. I love it when it snows!

Crazy, I know, but nothing makes me feel more like a little girl than when it is snowing. As a little girl, I lived outside during the winter months. Sledding was my favorite thing to do and nothing was better than eating a big scoop of freshly fallen snow. Yum yum! I am loving the fact that my children will have the memory that only snow can create.
5. Putting on my running shoes and sweating really hard are things that I don't always want to do but once I start, it feels so good.

I have been a runner for a huge part of my life. It began when I was in 7th grade, and while I took a break during high school, I picked it up again when I moved out of my parents house. It helps me to be happy and since I like being happy, I like to run.
6. I think I will end with my favorite foods. I won't lie, I love food!

I have a deep love for really good mexican food (and boy do I miss it as I have not as yet found a place here in North Dakota that can be termed as "really good"!). I love, love, love the Olive Garden...fettuccine alfredo and chicken gnocchi soup... especially in the company of good friends. I love Kung Pao chicken...homemade is the best! I love anything that my Grandma Bingham makes...her food is definitely termed "my comfort food." And last but not least is my dad's popcorn. Have you ever had it? If you have, then you know what I am talking about! It is by far the best stuff out there as far as popcorn is concerned. I have tried to duplicate his popcorn but my efforts have proven to be futile. He has a gift for making scrumptious popcorn and I miss not being able to go over to his house and enjoy myself a bowl of yummy, seasoned to perfection, popcorn.