The kids came home with way too much candy and they hate my rule that you get to eat as much as you want for one day and then it goes away. I told them that if they wanted to pay the dentist bill to cover the cost of a filling or two that I would be okay with letting them eat ALL of their sugary things. They were not too hip on that idea so maybe they will take me up on giving me all their extra candy tomorrow. The candy won't be wasted though as it will fill the Bishop's candy bowl at the church! Oh the perks of having your husband as the Bishop!! How do you handle all the candy your kid's come home with after a fun night of trick or treating?
Here are the pictures of the kid's dressed up. This is what Blake wore to school. He made me laugh so hard! He decided that he does NOT like having long hair!!
Here is our ballerina Macie,
our scarecrow Erin,
our phantom Cody,