I have wanted to do a post about my mom and have decided that today she will be the spotlight for what I am grateful for because I am so grateful for her! I have several strong memories in relation to my mom. I thought I would share just a few.

When I was three years old I distinctly remember riding in the front seat of the car with my mom. We were travelling home from a baseball game that my dad had played in and so it was after dark. We lived on a dairy farm and had to climb a small hill in order to reach our home. I vividly remember seeing the moon as we crested the hill and feeling such a warmness inside of me. I could not keep silent over what I seeing and feeling and expressed to my mom, "Heavenly Father must sure love us to give us such beautiful things." She confirmed that He did.
I remember a time when I must have been about nine, getting quite upset and feeling that no one loved me. I decided that the only thing I could do was to run away. It was a cold, rainy day but with my suitcase in hand I "ran away". I made it over to my grandma Bingham's home but as they were away on a mission I sat there on the porch and cried, really believing that no one did love me. To my surprise, out of the blue appeared my mom. She came and put her arms around me and with tears in her eyes told me that she loved me and wanted me to come home. I was so grateful to hear her speak those words to me.
I attribute my first love of the temple to my mom. Each time we drove to visit my grandparents in Ririe, Idaho, my mom would ALWAYS have us look to find the temple. As we drove by it, she would remind us that she had been married there and that we would be married in the temple too.