I continue to be humbled as we experience things like this. As I was driving home from the temple last Thursday night, I was reflecting on the past year. My thoughts took me to something that really made me go WOW. A year ago yesterday, Chris was released from being in the bishopric in C.G. I spoke in church on that day. What a coincidence that yesterday the call to be a bishop was sustained and again I found myself speaking in church. I feel like I have received a very tender mercy in having made this connection.
I have had a strengthened testimony that Satan knows me super well and he knows how to attack my weaknesses. I had a moment yesterday that was pretty hard to handle and being alone made it worse but I was able to call and visit with my old bishop and get some very good counsel from him. I will be okay. It is just going to take a bit of adjusting and perhaps an added layer of skin to deal with things that possibly aren't meant to hurt me but do.
I recognize my deep need for some very good, close friends that live in this area. I am going to work very hard at becoming a better friend to those who live close by. I know that I can't do this alone.
Two cute stories that I want to share about this call.
We told our children Saturday evening and boy was that a lot of fun! It was so exciting to see their responses. As Macie and Erin were showering that evening we could hear their cute, excited voices as they spoke about being the bishop's daughters. Our former bishop has two teenage daughters who are very good examples to my girls and they both exclaimed that they were going to be like Mel and Suzie. It brought great big smiles to both mine and Chris' face!
After church yesterday as we were waiting for the setting apart to occur, Macie was playing with a young woman in our ward and it didn't take long before this young woman started to chase after Macie to "get her." Macie saw Chris and ran to him shouting, "Save me Bishop Daddy!" Isn't that awesome?!
I know that this will take some adjusting on our part but I feel such peace and excitement for Chris. He is going to do such a good job. I will miss serving in the Relief Society but I felt from the start that my time of service within this calling would be brief and that I was serving so that I could assist Chris when he received the call to be the bishop. My testimony of the promptings of the Spirit continue to be strengthened as I experience moments like these when indeed impressions given, come to pass.
Please pray for us.