The other day I turned on the radio and found myself listening to the practice beep of the emergency broadcast system. I have wondered what it would be like to have the broadcast beep be the real thing. Would I be prepared for the warning it would give? There are different types of emergencies we face and these are rarely sounded over the radio. Last week we had an emergency of our own. Thankfully my dad went to the doctor because of his having difficulty breathing. He was given a
cat scan and it was discovered that he has multiple blood clots in his lungs. Talk about taking your breath away! I wasn't prepared to hear this. With him having a motorcycle accident a couple of months ago and now this, I have come to value the
frailty of life. I am so very grateful that the clots did not move to his heart or brain and I am also overwhelmingly grateful for modern technology and medicine that have helped to save my dad's life.
My dad is one of my heroes. I have found in him someone I can rely on and confide in. I am not ready for him to leave this earth life. Thank you Dad for listening to the "warning" and for seeking medical care! You are the best and I love you!!!!