I decided that I would take this idea from Megan's blog to give me something to write about. In doing this I've come to see that life is good. No, it is not perfect but I am happy and so thankful for all the good to be found in this world! Here is my version of "I Am".
I am... too busy.
I think... way too much.
I want... to graduate from college...nursing degree hopefully!
I have... been so blessed!
I miss... having toddlers!
I fear... dying young.
I hear... the clock ticking.
I crave... soft chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk...mmmmmm!
I cry... easily!
I regret... being disrespectful to my parents when I was young.
I search... the scriptures.
I wonder... when Jesus will come again...I hope I am here.
I wish... that Chris and I could go on a honeymoon....SOMEDAY!
I love... my wonderful family, extended included...you all are the best!
I care... about who my children have as friends.
I always... kiss my kids goodnight.
I worry... about gaining weight...did I mention I crave cookies?!!!
I am not... unhappy.
I remember... thinking I knew EVERYTHING!
I believe... that if we follow the prophet we will be protected!
I sing... to get rid of bad feelings or temptation.
I don't always... floss my teeth.
I argue... as little as possible, though some may disagree! :)
I write... in my journal not as often as I would like.
I lose... sleep studying for seminary.
I listen... to my friends.
I can usually be found... needing a hug!
I need... to enjoy playing with my children more!
I forget...to write thank you notes.
I am thankful to be where I am in life!