Here are a few pictures we took camping over Labor Day Weekend.
This picture is for Kevin and Becky...I know you probably wished you could of been here to help us change our tire!!! Hopefully next time! It never fails that we have car trouble when we go on vacation!
Here are Erin and Macie looking for the bears!
Rachel and Megan were so grateful to have Zach around to help out with their boys. Zach you ROCK!!!
Can you believe the size of this deer?!? J/K!!! Herman is our friendly target and I promise that we are not a bunch of rednecks!
This is Blake and one of his best buds, Zack. They spent most of their time cutting the ferns and building a fort. Oh the memories that we make when we are young!!!
Do you like our pretty clean faces!?! We were riding with a group on our quads and as you can see we weren't always the leaders...we learned that dirt doesn't taste so good!