A cute story I have to share about today...when I picked Cody up from school I asked him if he was super nervous the whole morning as he waited for the speeches. He told me that he got so nervous that he asked to go to the bathroom and in his stall he said a prayer! I loved that! Heavenly Father is always there...even in a bathroom stall! I love that Cody sought to pray in his hour of need. These youth are something pretty special...definately saved for the last days!!!
One more story about Cody. Tonight he received his Bear award in Cub Scouts. We have an outstanding Cubmaster and she always finds a creative way to award those that are advancing in their rank. Tonight Cody was "attacked" by a screaming bear. It was awesome! Cody was the perfect "ham" as we saw him fight off the bear. He came crawling into the gym with blood marks on his face and arms and a bears claw in his hand. It was the perfect way to end a very busy day for this boy!
P.S. As you can tell my camera takes terrible pictures inside of the church...it most definately can't be the photographer's fault! J/K. I need to figure out how to get good pictures in the church. They usually are dark or fuzzy. Any suggestions?